Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll Cats

We love Ragdoll cats because they’re beautiful, they learn quickly, and they pick up tricks easily. In this post, we hope you learn to love them too!


The Ragdoll cat was first developed by Ann Baker in Riverside, California, in 1960. Ann’s first litters of Ragdolls came from cross-breeding domestic longhaired cats with seal points or who were tuxedo cats with other longhaired cats that she owned who were very large in size and gentle. Over time, she ended up with cats who had beautiful long coats characterized by a Himalayan or white-factored pattern (white mittens and face markings on dark points with a light colored body). Baker gave her kittens the name “Ragdoll” because of their habit of gently cuddling into the arms of anyone who picked them up. Since then, breeds like Persians, Burmese, and Birman cats have all contributed to the development of Ragdoll cats.

The cat was officially recognized as a breed in 2000 by the Cat Fanciers Association.

Ragdoll Facts

  • They’re Large: Ragdolls are one of the largest cat breeds. Female ragdoll cats usually weigh between 10 – 15 pounds while males can weigh over 20 pounds. It takes about three or four years for a Ragdoll cat to reach their full size and coat development. They have a gently rounded muzzle with a strong neck on a large, long body with heavy bones, furry paws, and a fluffy tail.
  • Beautiful Coat: Ragdolls have medium-long coats, usually with a pointed pattern (light colored bodies with a dark face, legs, tail, and ears), and blue eyes. Ragdolls come in three patterns, either mitted or bicolor with white points, or color-point (no white addition).
  • Average Lifespan: They’ve got an average life-span of about 12 to 17 years.
  • New Breed: The Cat Fanciers Association officially recognized Ragdoll cats as a breed in 2000.
  • Great Personality: Their personality makes them unique. Ragdoll cats love being held and cuddled. They’re very gentle, friendly, love being around people, and will eagerly leap onto a bed or couch to snuggle. Ragdoll cats are also very active. They enjoy playing with toys and will often answer when called.
  • Lots of Fur: Ragdoll cats have moderately long guard hair and need regular grooming to manage shedding and minimize hairballs. This is especially true in the springtime when they shed their winter coats.
  • Family Cat: Ragdolls are perfectly suited for families with children. They can play gently and rarely extend their claws while playing. They also love their families and getting lots of love and attention.

In Conclusion

Ragdoll cats work well for just about anyone. They’re beautiful, smart, and can learn tricks. They are also generally gentle and well-behaved and because of that, they usually get along with other pets and cat-friendly dogs. Just don’t forget to brush them!

At Meowtel, our favorite breed is Rescued. Here are some Ragdoll rescues that you can support. Maybe you’ll even find a new friend!

Categories: Cat Breeds
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