10 Cats That Don't Shed

10 Cats That Don't Shed

If you're looking for non-shedding cat breeds, consider short-haired cats or those known for minimal shedding. Remember that the amount of fur or hair a cat sheds can vary between individual cats, and regular grooming can help manage shedding in any pet. Anyone with a long-haired cat can tell you that hair gets everywhere, sometimes up your nose!

Are There Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds?

Even with allergies, you can still get all the benefits of living with a cat. Cats that are distinguished as being “hypoallergenic” are often better tolerated by people who experience allergic reactions to cat fur and dander. These cats produce less Fel d 1, which is less likely to produce allergens or have coats of fur that produce cat dander.

These cat breeds include:

  • Balinese
  • Javanese
  • Siberian
  • Oriental Short-hair
  • Cornish Rex
  • Devon Rex
  • Bengal cat
  • Siamese
  • Russian Blue
  • Sphynx
  • Burmese

10 Breeds of Cats That Shed the Least


The Sphynx cat is a hairless cat breed, so it doesn't shed the way cats with fur do. Their natural fur is more like peach fuzz! While lower maintenance and better for people with cat allergies, they require regular bathing to keep their skin healthy.


Bombay cats are considered to be low-shedders, though they aren’t hypoallergenic. Their low-maintenance coat can be easily maintained by weekly brushing.

Russian Blue

Russian Blues have short, dense fur that sheds less than many other breeds. Regular brushing can help manage any loose hair.


Siamese cats have short, fine fur that generally sheds less than longer-haired breeds. Regular combing helps keep their coat in good condition.

Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex cat has a short, curly coat that sheds less than other breeds. Their unique fur also requires less grooming.

Devon Rex

Similar to the Cornish Rex, the Devon Rex has a short and curly coat, making it less prone to shedding.

Russian Peterbald

The Peterbald cat is often completely hairless, making it a favorite among pet owners with cat allergies. Known for its large ears, like a Sphnyx, it has little to no fur.


This cat breed is also like the Sphynx with a hairless (or peach fuzz) body. Donskoy cats must be wiped down with a damp cloth daily to help control the oils on their skin, making them a higher maintenance breed, but they love to cuddle.


Burmese cats have short, sleek coats that shed less compared to long-haired breeds. Regular grooming can help maintain their coat.

Oriental Short-hair

This tabby has a short coat and tends to shed less. Regular grooming can help minimize shedding.

Do Indoor Cats Shed Less?

Indoor cats generally shed less than outdoor cats, but it's important to note that the amount a cat sheds is influenced by various factors, not just their coat type. The cat’s breed, health, diet, and grooming practices all affect how much fur and dander are released into your home. Here are some reasons why indoor cats may shed less:

  • Controlled environment with stable temperatures and lighting conditions. Outdoor cats may shed more in response to seasonal changes, temperature fluctuations, and exposure to natural light.
  • Reduced sun exposure. Sunlight can trigger shedding in some cats. Indoor cats may have less exposure to direct sunlight, especially if they don't spend extended periods near windows.
  • Better health and nutrition. Indoor cats are less likely to encounter parasites and diseases that could affect their coat health.
  • Regular grooming. Indoor cats often receive more regular grooming from their owners, which can help remove loose fur and reduce shedding. Brushing your cat's coat can also prevent matting and hairballs.
  • Less stress. Outdoor cats may experience more stress due to encounters with other animals, territorial disputes, or exposure to harsh weather conditions. Stress can contribute to shedding, so indoor cats may shed less due to a calmer environment.

What Are the Best Cat Breeds for People With Allergies?

Allergy sufferers should consider adopting a cat that produces fewer allergens or has a coat that produces less cat dander. Low-shedding cats also tend to spend less time grooming, which reduces the presence of allergens in their saliva. Many extreme allergy sufferers favor the Siamese, Sphynx, and Oriental Short-hair, among other breeds like the Donskoy and Peterbald cats.

Need pet care? Meowtel cat sitters are happy to help you when you need someone to take care of your adorable cat. Sitters can stop in during the day or plan an overnight stay at your home based on your needs. During their visits, your Meowtel cat sitter can provide water, food, litter box clean up, and playtime. Some sitters can administer medications (check their bios to learn more) and they'll all keep you updated on your pet’s well-being with photos and messages.

Categories: Cat Breeds